**Also check out a fun CONTEST after the jump for a chance to win yourself some swag from Adam's clothing line!
Step 1: If you don't already be sure to 'like' Reality by Rach on Facebook (must do this to be eligible to enter)!
Step 2: E-mail me at realitybyrach@gmail.com and tell me what's the most outrageous thing you would do if you had the chance to be on the Real World and party it up in Vegas like Adam?!
**Winners with the most creative answers will be chosen!
**Contest ends August 31!
**US residents ONLY (sorry guys)!
Step 1: If you don't already be sure to 'like' Reality by Rach on Facebook (must do this to be eligible to enter)!
Step 2: E-mail me at realitybyrach@gmail.com and tell me what's the most outrageous thing you would do if you had the chance to be on the Real World and party it up in Vegas like Adam?!
**Winners with the most creative answers will be chosen!
**Contest ends August 31!
**US residents ONLY (sorry guys)!
I LOVE THIS INTERVIEW! Rachel, Adam is awesome, and so are you. I loved how he kept it real and said that who we saw was who he was. Just because he got drunk and did some stupid things doesn't mean he was a bad cast member or person in general. He was a great cast member and I am sad that he didn't get to stick around for the challenges, but I am sure that isn't the last we will see of Adam Royer! :) Thanks for the interview, tell him I say hi! haha
ReplyDeleteFrom what I'am hearing this guy Adam is sorry as hell.All over youtube people that know him and on facebook that Adam snitched out his friend about the gun his boy is in prison and it was Adams gun and his idea to go over there and robbed this guy because they was drunk and wanted his drugs.He was never a drug dealer just a user.Adam has not change either he is still on pills Roxys.He also treats girls like shit theres a girl on facebook sayin that Adam gave her friend herpes.Dont know how true that is but alot of people from his hometown cant stand him.Now how could all them people be wrong.I dont want my kids to look up to a low life like him.
ReplyDeleteYour link was posted on my page.Please take this guy off your page.He is a drunk and likes to hit women.He was known for that in Maine.He also likes to call women C%nts.Not cool at all.
ReplyDeleteNah hes known as a snithc right here in portland maine !! Everyone knows, everyone at longcreek says hes the biggest snitch everr ! And yes! He does treat girls like shit, puttin em on blast on fckn t.v jus tryna act cool... Hes sooo foolish !
ReplyDeletethis guy is such a fraud and theres nothing more that annoys me than a fake person...listen to his story talking about him slanging dope (drugs in general) idk what weak ass hood or town he's from theres no way he should be alive for pulling a gun on a drug dealer and he is obviously wasn't the biggest one in his state..thats what he claims .....or else he would not even be on the show and would be doing some serious time......
ReplyDeleteThe only thing this retard is good at is exploiting how women can be such suckers for guys creepy bullshit. This lies his ass off and makes up pathetic stories to make himself look like a badass and victim and dumb broads fall for it lol. He is the epitome of a creepy dirtbag who will cheat on his wife everyday and put 5 bastard children on this earth
ReplyDeletehahaha did you see the way he punched that picture frame lol he is def a bitch. i know kids that used to drink and act like that when i was in 10th grade. i guess that shit is cool in Maine. kids a dope and a compulsive liar. And that chick Nany is one dumb broad to give up 6 years for that terd ass
ReplyDeleteThis dude is a true fucking bitch ass fag.....I HATE people like this. Punk ass bitch. Come to Baltimore, walk with that bullshit wigger swag.....see what happens
ReplyDeleteUm yeah why does he not say that he did three years in juvie while the others are doing fed time I wonder why hmmmm I guess I'll leave everyone to use their brains and figure that one out...oh yeah I know why :)
ReplyDeleteI think this kid wants to act like hes all hard because he was in juevinile hall? really? really? juevenile hall come on!!!!! you havent done anytime with the big boys!!! and did you see this kids house? this kid has got it good!~!!!! your just one of those bratty white boys that are rebels because youve been handed a good life and just want to rebel against your rich parents!!! grow up you skinny lil white boy!!!!
ReplyDeleteHaha when I heard him say he was the biggest drug dealer in his state at the age of 16 n stuff like that I couldn't stop laughing. What a fucking tool, dude juvie ain't time it's a fucking walk in the park n stuff like that compared to real time so shut the fuck up. punk as bitch talkin about guns n stuff like that gonna get you popped n stuff like that
ReplyDeleteAdam your a punk, I would love to square off with you!! you must of gotten beat up SO many times in Juvie you punk, get a new gold chain, your such a herb wow!
ReplyDeleteAdam, BITCH you are a strait punk that swings fist like a girl ... 3yrs in juvi ? Bitch try doin 10 yrs with the state punk ! Please let me see you in Baltimore i will knock you the fuck out for treating Females like you do . You are a fawkin joke kid !!!
ReplyDeleteThis dude a pussy when he drunk "straight up"
ReplyDeleteThis is what gets you on Real World now. This is interesting to MTV casting directors now. That is truly pitiful these kids have absolutely nothing unique about them whatsoever. The casting directors have really gotten lame on there casting over the years sold out to ratings. I can find a kid like this in every suburban neighborhood who thinks he;s gangster and urban while living in a rich upscale area. This is truly funny stuff
ReplyDeleteIf this guy went to a real prison--Folsom, Rikers, etc.--he'd be a bitch by the end of the week, tossing salad for cigarettes. 
ReplyDeleteSeriously!!!!! This is so fuckin stupid when i first saw you on the real world i was like aww he seems nice and chill but then you got crazy!!! And stop sayin when you did time... you were in juvie not jail so fuck off pussy i know girls who could kick your ass and who can out drink you!!! You act like your soo cool and like your the man but you act like a child. " I don't care what anyone thinks of me" seriously dude grow a pair and act your age not your dick size!!!!
ReplyDeleteThe guy is a pathological liar, and clearly VERY insecure with his true self. He's not the hardass he makes himself out to be, it's all an act that he tries really hard to put on. He's a tryhard who has always been a dorky little bitch his whole life and wants to be one of the assholes so he tries to over compensate. He lied about going to juvie for three years... it was only a couple of months, and he never dealt drugs he only used them. He's a liar, and a wannabe hardass, it not real.
ReplyDeleteSeriously, how the hell did they pick this guy to be on the show? Somebody fucked up somewhere.... DOUCHE BAG
ReplyDeleteadults who brag about their experiences in juvie are LOSERS
ReplyDeleteLmfao. Dude, wannabe be bad boy. One day everything you did will come back. And juvie aint nothing like prison where the real gangsters and criminals are at. Don't stop doing what you doing you going to be up in there with them. Maybe for life. Hey one day you will have to grow up. LOLL ;)
ReplyDeletehe looks like a scrawny INSECURE nerd. HE HAS SOOOOOO MANY HATERS LMAO
ReplyDeleteKinda dissappointed in how you represented Maine.
ReplyDeleteWannabe bad boy
ReplyDeleteAdam is a child.lame as fuck!
ReplyDeletePussy you ain't shit
This kid brags about being in juvi! Juvi!! Does he think its cool or people will respect him. Just wait till he hits prison then you can brag all you want.
ReplyDeleteBTW I hated all the guys on The Real World Las Vegas 2011 except for Leroy.
ReplyDeleteMike = LOSER
Yawn, future "star" on Celebrity Rehab
ReplyDeleteFuck MTV for casting the biggest douche to ever be on The Real World. Thank JESUS I only had to witness one episode of him on The Challenge. And thank you Ty, too.
ReplyDeleteWho is this asshole, I'm out of the loop when it comes to douches?
ReplyDeleteI just saw this lames commercial for his whack clothing line hahah.. This dude claims to be the biggest drug dealer from where ever it is he's from.. LMAO Where Im from he woulda got jacked outta his shit.. Fuck this clown, if i ever see this dude he's getting dropped
ReplyDeleteThis guy's 15 minute's of fame is up or will he linger and do the mtv challenge shows with the rest of the retards clinging on to their tv time. Aren't there some 40 year old dude's on those challenge shows that have made a career out of it? lol
ReplyDeletei know this dude personally and he is ADDICTED to OXYCONTIN for like 5 years now.
ReplyDeleteHe's such a loser! Always gotta be drunk to feel "cool".. He's so fake..a wanna be. You can tell he has insecurities just by the way he talked to his "girlfriend" back home.."you can email me and ask if you can text them" wtf ever punk..he's always gotta go for the girls that have self-esteem issues so he can make himself feel tough by controlling them
ReplyDeleteyou've gotta be just about the biggest fag. I truly felt embarrassed for you while you made an absolute fool of yourself on national television.
ReplyDeleteThis dude is a little bitch, and a pathological liar. He never went to juvie for 3 years, it was only a couple months, and he never dealt drugs he only used them. He's always been an insecure dorky little bitch his whole life so he tries to over compensate by trying really hard to act like a hardass... it's all an act.
ReplyDeletewhat a bitch! loser LMFAO... lame bitch ass... hahahahah
ReplyDeletedude im so happy you got booted, honestly your personality BLOWS. I rater watch frat pad all day and night then see and hear you on R.W. You are the real faggot on that show, no Dustball Dustin!!!
ReplyDeleteDoes clown, and complete fucking moron fall under the similarities?
ReplyDeleteim from NJ and a white boy that was involved with drugs and doin time! ADAMs country ass shoulda been beat by now!i was invoved in a shooting adam says! that dude wouldnt shoot a flea! he is a hillbilly,country boy who needs a serious beat down!
ReplyDeleteadam is such lucky that black guy was a wuss, any body else or my self would slap that lying, piece of shit white boy,l.
ReplyDeletehe punched it like a girl.....
ReplyDeletelol its obvious hes a liar. as soon as he said he was the biggest drug dealer in the area i knew he was full of shit
ReplyDeletewhen he about hit Nany, she didn't even twitch. Then come to find out she's been hit before. Poor Nany, she is such a beautiful and sweet girl
ReplyDeleteHe a snitch
ReplyDeletelol your the dumbest reality tv show personality ive ever seen.your gonna be dead or in jail withen 5 yearsif you dont quit drinking and if not you should nuetered .
ReplyDeletethis guy is such a fucking douche lord. i cant stand him. hes acts like a high school immature ass. your 20 something years old so act like it.
ReplyDeletejust looking at him makes me want to barf.
i feel sorry for the girl who ends up with him and the kids that come from him. those kids will have no idea what a shitty dad they have
You have no reason to be cocky lol your a skinny spoiled little bitch. You don't fight anybody except your girlfriends Hahaha Leroy got right in your face on the real world an you bitched out! I mean DAMN you wanted to get kicked out but instead of being a REAL man an "try" to fight Leroy you'll throw bottles an scream at nany lol your a little girl stop acting hard your 140 pounds lol
ReplyDeletei bet they only picked him because every Real World needed a douchebag..
ReplyDeleteu try really hard to be hard, lol ur a punk and when u threw punches in the show u looked like a lil bitch.. what u went through is nothign quit tyrign to make it sound like something.
ReplyDeleteWTF is this guys problem.I dont wont no free shit from him.
ReplyDeleteHe's either a sociopath or a narcissist.
ReplyDeletewheres his hairline?
ReplyDeleteWhy in the fuck I get a email to come here.I dont even know who this loser is.So he is an ex drug dealer that went to jail for having a gun.Good I wish he would have got killed in jail.
ReplyDeleteFags a fuckin' moron for LIFE!!!
ReplyDeleteLet's have a toast for the Dueschbags, Let's have a toast for the assholes!!!
ReplyDeleteSomebody pleaseee tell me what's going on I will not leave my name never heard of this site.Adam Royer sounds like a asshole if you ask me.
ReplyDeleteDo yourself a favor, get over yourself, and understand, Juvey aint shit!!! Aint shit~~~ And when you grow up you'll find knew bombs to drop on the ladies besides,"I was in JUvey"
ReplyDeleteP.S. Learn to be yourself and hopefully you won't be so lame
ReplyDeleteOH YEAh, do any of Adam's audience actually know about Portland Maine? Come on Adam, I lived in Maine. If someone wants to cop drugs and they have no clue what they are doing, they cop off a wigger like you. If they no other wise and their hard up, cuz maine is hard up, they at least know to go to Lawrence Mass or something.
ReplyDeleteYou are so full of bullshit that crap is seeping out your pours. You know you got some trumped up bullshit charges. You aint shit my man, and I don't even have to convince you of that, cuz you fucking know and that's why your constantly putting on a show.
ReplyDeleteyou act like a little fucking kid that needs attention so bad. Grow the fuck up
ReplyDeleteAdam is a textbook manipulator and very likely a sociopath. Based on his behavior on the show he fits the profile almost to a T.
ReplyDeleteas long as ur not like this fucking dick Adam ur cool.. lol.. n he got with that fine chick from the real world!?! How does she feel about this piece of shit now? Ppl amaze me..
ReplyDeleteDude I barely turned 21 a few weeks ago, and even I can handle alcohol better than this bitch. I went to Vegas and had a few drinks, you know, but I never acted like this loser
ReplyDeleteYou really made a name for yourself you 22 yr old juvenile!!! Go to prison then talk shit!!!
ReplyDeleteHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA oh my god, this kid is too fucking cool for school. I seriously hope he knows what a laughing stock he is. LOL!!!
ReplyDeleteHow old is this fool? He's always talking about juvi? That's if ur under 18 then u get transferred 2 jail this guy is a fuckin bitch he's a fake ass bitch!!! Everything he said seems fake!!!
ReplyDeleteThis fuckboy only did 3 months and got 3 years probation..Fuckboy SNITCHED out his homeboys..Fuck this cat I wish I could run into this fucking lame..ADAM YOU A FUCKING TRICK!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI'am just saying, if i was from maine i would be pissed the fuck off at this dude he's making you all look pretty bad and he's saying he's one of the biggest drug dealer in his state.... lol this kid and his homies are all wannabes.
ReplyDeleteadam's cute... But kinda weird
ReplyDeletei hope someone humbles this guy......i hate punks that act badass just so they can impress people......this gangster needs a reality check and get dropped like the bitch he is
ReplyDeletehe sucks period. as he sucks cocks.
ReplyDeleteI know hes a rat he snith on codefamden lol fucking coward
ReplyDeleteI saw the show where he was saying how he was locked up and was the biggest drug dealer in his state...what a clown. dont refer to juvie as "being locked up" because it just makes you sound like a wannabe clown...and anyone selling drugs at their highschool def. aint at a level of movin weight. fag
ReplyDeleteAdam is a loser and an idiot. He will always be worthless trash and MTV should never let him on a show again.
ReplyDeleteAdam is a loser. Hes had his 15 minutes. He'll be forgotten and go back to selling weed and snitchin in a small town.
ReplyDeleteAdam is such a loser...good god
ReplyDeleteAdam needs to EAT A DICK!!!Fuck him!!
ReplyDeletewhere did adam come from? fake as bitch
ReplyDeleteAdam seems like a pussy.
ReplyDeleteIs there anyway Adam will do a interview and talk about all this shit being said about him.He needs to set the record str8.Nobody likes a fake person and a snitch.
ReplyDeleteHe is the most hated in LOngcreek.This guy is a fucking pos.There are a few of my boys that wants to get there hands on him.He likes to hit on girls too.And he with that snitch game.He a real tough guy let me tell you.
ReplyDeleteIs this a haTER Club for Adam.Good I hated the guy the first time I saw him on Real World.I knew he was fake.Now I'am hearing he is a snitch.lol.My girl going love hearing about this she said he going look like he 50 by the time he hits 30.He is going bald he needs that hair club for men.I wish somebody would put him in his place any man that treats women like he does needs his ass stomped.Just think if 1 of them girls he treats like shit was your sister.How can anybody respect him.He is a PUNK
ReplyDeleteOh by the way I love this site. ~Mark~
ReplyDeleteMy name is Jessica Jensenell and I'am here to tell everyone that Adam is a puke and a rat..A good friend of mine is still sitting in jail cause of him..What does he thinks he's cool cause he got on the Real wrold and the Challenges he got kick of both of them cause he is weak and a huge looser did u see how he shoves a girl and didn't even check on her insted he sucker punches a dude in the face and he hits like a bitch.
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ReplyDeleteAlright I understand everyone's opinion on this person and they are entitled to have one. I do not know Adam personally we just chatted for a few. If it is proven that he is ripping people off and not sending them their orders then his interview and website will be removed from my blog IMMEDIATELY! I am not working with Adam nor do I have any affiliation with him or his MR Clothing line. I just want to clear this up. I run a fun Entertainment site and that is all. Please refrain from from foul language and anymore comments on this article or about how you don't like Adam. I respect all of your opinions but please voice them on Facebook pages and not in my comments section. Thank you for your understanding.
Creator of Reality by Rach
I'am not here to talk bad about Adam I ordered some things from him awhile back and still have not got my things.I don't wont my mom to know about it because she would be mad and tell me she told me so.I work hard for my money.Don't know what too do I have sent emails.I don't think he did it on purpose or it was his fault.At least I hope not.Oh by the way I love your site.You have alot of cool things on here.I will be visiting it daily.Have a great day.
ReplyDeleteDoes he think he is famous for being the drunk, cheating, loser on the real world? LOL!!!!Sorry just had to speak my mind.LOve the site by the way Rach.
ReplyDeleteI know you don't wont people to comment here no more about Adam but he is sorry as they get.Not many people in Maine respects this guy.He is the biggest jerk I have ever meet.Just the way he treats girls and in general.Rach I would love to chat with you about Adam expose him for what he really is.Let you know about the real Adam.Good luck at getting the promotional stuff.But I'am sure he not going be that dumb not to send it out now.After all the people that is saying they sent money to him and have not received their shirts.He don't care about nobody.He just wants people to see what he want's them to see on here.But soon people going see everything about Adam. You do have a cool site I hate to bother you with this but I just had to comment.Have a goodnight.
ReplyDeleteHow dare you guys speak about Adam that way? Did you not hear,he was the biggest drug dealer in American when he was 15! Adam is a legend in his on mind.
ReplyDeleteThis dude is such a herb...He thinks hes cool becuase he was in juvie..lol..he bragged that he was "the biggest drug dealer in the state", real drug dealers dont put themselves on blast like that. Im sure hes just an addict..He gets drunk and cries out for attention. So pathetic..What a loser.
ReplyDeleteI feel sorry for the bar-tender because @AdamRoyerMTV pissed in his sink. Lmao.Thats who people look up too now.What is happenin to the world.Adam is just a punk.I can't stand him.
ReplyDeleteSince this is where everyone is at.I just want to say I luv this blog.Tell you the truth I like everything on here.(this site)
ReplyDeleteBTW thanks to everyone who said they like the site! Appreciate your comments!! : )
ReplyDeleteYeah, just so everyone knows....even here in Maine we don't think that's cool lol!! He is an embarrassment!
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