Now a days, with shows like Modern Family it is more and more certain that what the ideal family looks like is slowly but surely changing. It is no longer your textbook definition of the Nuclear Family. And now comes along the film, The Kids are All Right. This is the complicated story of a lesbian couple with two teenage children who decide to find their father. What was meant to be a quick meet and great with the man who gave them life turns into a full fledged relationship with this man with many interesting twist along the way. Even though this plot seems simplistic I think that if you look beneath the surface you will find a lot more there: the complexity of a marriage between two women, the affects it has on their kids and how surprisingly normal this family's obstacles are despite their unique situation. This film is getting a lot of critical acclaim and with a cast like Julianne Moore, Anette Bening and Mark Ruffalo, I would have to agree. Check out the trailer!
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