So I love Pop music as much as the next person but despite the fact that I get lost in catchy lines and super sugary sweet pop beats I cannot deny that a lot of pop artists have a short shelf life and are not too versatile. I appreciate pop music for what it is... music that I sing at the top my my lungs when no one else is listening. And just as I had written Ms. Katy Perry off as SO last summer with her fantastically upbeat hit "I Kissed a Girl". Recently she did an unplugged set for MTV that changed my opinion completely. Her voice is soulful and captivating and stripping down her heavily produced songs to jazz beats or acoustic guitar truly showcases her talent. Hopefully you guys will agree that Katy Perry is the real deal.
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Katy Perry did the coffee shop scene long before the pop thing happened. If she can marry the two she should be around a while. she needs one of these stripped down but listenable songs to break out on the top forty like Kelly Clarkson.